2008年10月23日 星期四

BV color theory formulas

All aggressive colors
4 analogous colors : orange, yellow orange, yellow, yellow green
with extra color: red
with grey
all values included.
Comparatively more receeding colors
adjacent complementary:yellow orange, blue violet, blue
complementary: red, green
with grey, black
middle to low values included.
Comparatively more aggressive colors
2 analogous colors: yellow, yellow orange
with extra color: blue
with white and grey
all values included.
All aggressive colors
2analogous colors : yellow orange, yellow
with extra color: red
with white, grey, black
all values included.
All aggressive colors.
2 analogous colors: orange, yellow orange
with extra color: red
with white and light grey
all values included.
Comparatively more aggressive colors
adjacent complementary: blue, orange, yellow orange
2 extra colors: green, yellow
with white, grey and black
all values included.
Comparatively more aggressive colors
double split complementary: red, orange, blue, green
with adjacent complementary: blue violet, yellow orange, yellow
with white and light grey
all values included.
most of them are aggressive colors
analogous color for 3hues: red orange,orange and yellow orange
1pair of complementary color: red violet and yellow green
with black and grey
middle to low value included.
most of them are aggressive colors.
triadic color : red,blue,yellow (all primary colors)
with analogous color: orange, yellow orange
with white
all values included.
most of them are aggressive colors
analogous color for 3hues: yellow,yellow orange, orange
with 1extra color: blue green
with grey,white
middle to low value included.

by creative director: Tomas Maier
